Abstracts A best-practice recommendation for capturing commonly used types of journal abstracts and multiple abstracts using JATS XML
Article publication and history dates How to capture publication dates associated with an article and indicate the version of the article being viewed
Authors and affiliations These recommendations contain best practices for capturing authors and their affiliations, as well as how these should be associated with one another.
Clinical trials How to capture clinical trial information in abstracts and other places in an article
Conflict-of-interest (COI) statements Updated recommendation How to capture conflict-of-interest (COI) statements within article metadata
Data availability statements How to capture data availability in a machine-readable section of your JATS XML
Display objects (e.g. figures, tables, and boxed text) How to capture figures, tables and boxes in a standard format in your JATS XML
Ethics statements How to capture ethics-related content within a specific section and within general content
Peer review materials How to tag peer review materials such as peer reviews, editor decision letters and author responses