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JATS4R validator

This JATS4R validator will validate an XML document against the appropriate JATS DTD (NISO JATS version 1.01.1 or 1.2), plus recommendations that have been published on the JATS4R website.

The source code (MIT-licensed where applicable) is available for this user interfacethe validator web servicethe Schematron rules and the JATS DTDs.

The XML content will be sent to the JATS4R web service for validation. The doctype is logged, for usage metrics, but the rest of the XML document will not be stored.


  1. Dear Arthur

    Could you please indicate what you need support for so we can help you?

    Thank you!


  2. I need to use conflict of interest. Then I use in the . You say that I have to use “Conflict of Interest Statements shoud be tagged as <fn fn-type="COI-statement" in the “, but I put this value and keep the error: “Value “COI-statement” for attribute fn-type of fn is not among the enumerated set”.
    I don’t know how to tag the conflict of interest.

    1. Hi Fernando, sorry for the lack of response.
      We can’t reproduce the error noted using the tagging stated:
      <fn fn-type="COI-statement">
      <p>Competing Interest Statement: The authors have declared no competing interest.</p>

      And receive the error message:
      Conflict of Interest Statements should be tagged as <fn fn-type="coi-statement" in the .

      (because we’re expecting coi-statement not COI-statement)

      Can you provide a sample?

  3. Sorry, I post again:
    I need to use conflict of interest. Then I use in the fn fn-type=”conflict” in the author-notes. You say that I have to use “Conflict of Interest Statements shoud be tagged as fn fn-type=”COI-statement” in the author-notes, but I put this value and keep the error: “Value “COI-statement” for attribute fn-type of fn is not among the enumerated set”.
    I don’t know how to tag the conflict of interest to pass the validator without errors.

  4. We sincerely appreciate the availability of this invaluable validator tool. It provides clear recommendations for adhering to the correct JATS standards, enabling us to develop an editor that’s both user-friendly and optimized for reuse by article publishers.

    The JATS outputs we created using <a href="JATSeditor.com">JATSEditor.com</a> fully comply with all recommendations from JATS4R and the NCBI NLM (PubMed Checker).

    The editor that we have built won’t be possible without the existence of this validator.

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